….for, amongst other things, giving me the best news laugh in the past two weeks…
Gon Ren Zhou is an absolute star! Selling copies of Animal Farm: The Version Orwell Didn’t Want You To See; getting an ASBO; and, best of all, getting himself banned from the vicinity of the London Borough of Newham for TWO WHOLE YEARS – I wonder if such wasn’t his master plan from the very beginning….
Not that I’m endorsing piracy, mind you – it’s just that a context such as escaping Newham should be a strong mitigating circumstance in a court of law…
In any case, this guy is given a restraining order for selling his – admittedly pilfered – wares to willing customers; yet one suspects your average tracksuited ASBOite-in-training would suffer less for smashing someone’s car in or mailing shit through some next bloke’s letterbox. Kinda funny that!
We’ve got rid of the nefarious porn pirate – now all we need are ASBOs for the true ASBOites roaming the borough. Watch Newham’s populace drop – like a lead weight from the Empire State!
As the ad campaign said: “Keep Newham Tidy!”
“Animal Farm: The Version Orwell Didn’t Want You To See”
that wins the award for best porn name ever
Haha! Ya like it? I made it up myself! ^_^