Category Archives: TV

The Cumberbatch “Coloured” Conundrum

Oh, how the mighty fall! Turns out that after years of being lauded as both an actor by the press and a heartthrob by his adoring fangirls, Benedict Cumberbatch finally let slip his fine-shined shoes, revealing the pus-packed warts of … Continue reading

Posted in America, Entertainment, News, Racial Issues, The UK, TV | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Blackface: Beyond the Pale?

Two weeks back, I noticed something of a stir being whipped up over a French fashion shoot involving teen model Ondria Hardin. Predictably, it drew backlash from all the expected circles: some complaining about the missed opportunity to cast a … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, News, Racial Issues, TV | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Question Time? Indeed, It Is!

Shame that some folk failed to get the memo… Watching Question Time on Thursday, I hadta roll my eyes at the moralistic endorsements of UN military intervention in Libya; Baroness Warsi‘s She-Ra fantasies of saving the poor Libyans from “the … Continue reading

Posted in Amoralism, Ethics, Moral Panic, News, Politics, Psychology, Question Time, TV | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments


Re: Innocent:The Colin Stagg Story Once again, instead of doing actual detective work, the authorities zoned in on the stereotypical target – a loner with”unusual interests” in the occult. Fucking idiots! It also disgusts me that they used their little … Continue reading

Posted in Moral Panic, TV | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

"I Was Raped…. I Lied….." : MRDA Contra the British "Justice" System (# 566,979,000)

Maan, today’s Wright Stuff panellists really know how to lopside issues….. So they think that women who fabricate rapes deserve anonymity (unlike the unlucky fuckers who “rape” them)? In contrast to those mangled minds, I see the issue clearly. Women … Continue reading

Posted in Gender Issues, News, Society, The Wright Stuff, TV | Tagged , , , , | 39 Comments


It seems that one cannot currently escape some kind of news report, commentary or speculation in regard to the Virginia Tech massacres. Turning on the TV an hour or so ago, I saw further coverage of the deeds of Seung … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Moral Panic, Movies, Music, News, Poetry, Politics, Society, TV | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 20 Comments

The Lamentable Art of Turning Molehills into Mountains

It’s funny how the space of a few years can throw a new perspective on things…..youth magnifies things which the passing of time later reveals to be insignificant….. I watched an old episode of Dawson’s Creek – from the second … Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment, Moral Panic, Perspectivism, Psychology, TV | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments