Monthly Archives: July 2005

Protected: “Tis Unchristian,” say the disciples of Deus. Hilarious meme pilfered from .

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“Art is social, not personal,” say the Clueless Censorship Lobby – le sigh!

Some people juuuuuuuuust refuse to get it – if they’re even capable that is! Damn legalists! ~MRDA~

Posted in Animé, Fuck Democracy, Slave Britannia, Society | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Protectors or Predators?

I doubt I’m the only one more than a little disturbed by the police shooting dead that Brazilian bloke last week. Three things stuck out: 1) He had nada to do with any terrorist activity, as was suspected by the … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Liberties, Ethics, News, Politics, Slave Britannia, Society, The UK | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Harlequin, Amuse Thyself!

You know, I’ve never understood the stigma against laughing at one’s own jokes myself. That’s a lot like telling a writer they shouldn’t take pleasure in the process and produce of their own mind and hand in action – it’s … Continue reading

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I see no need to clasp my hands to sing Hosannas for Promised Lands to bow my head to know my place to think myself a spook’s disgrace Why let your illness Strike me blind Let your thought virus rape … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Egoism, My Poetry, Poetry, Religion | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

The Morning After the Night Before – Splutterings From A Broken Machine….

Let’s face it – no matter what your Chinese calendar tells ya, it seems indeed that 2005 has been the year of the Reznor, what with the remastered re-release of The Downward Spiral, the release of the new With Teeth … Continue reading

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A Collage of Thoughts From Last Night….

And so I sit here with nothing but my pen, paper and the Nine Inch Nails gouging at my brain in a sure and sweet fashion. “Too fucked-up to care anymore,” I throb in time to the beat, secure in … Continue reading

Posted in Amoralism, Egoism, Music, Personal, Psychology | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

2005 or 1984?

Really, watching some of the rubbish the BBC churn out as an evening’s “entertainment”, I wonder how many people have been prosecuted and sent to jail for refusing to fund such…. Though in a way, they are to be commended … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Liberties, Politics, Slave Britannia, Society | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

Volte-Face: Thoughts on the Events of the Last Two Days

So in the space of a day, the city of London goes from triumph to terror…. One moment, everyone explodes into the most disproportionate hysteria over London’s clinching of the big Olympic bid for 2012; I remember rolling my eyes … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Liberties, Egoism, Moral Panic, News, Personal, Philosophy, Politics, Racial Issues, Religion, Slave Britannia, Society | Tagged , , , , | 52 Comments

Protected: Ripping apart more Dumbarse Phrases

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