Monthly Archives: October 2015

Max Stirner Contra Humanism and Nationalism

A favourite excerpt of mine from my favourite philosophical tome, The Ego and Its Own. Kinda supports my observation of nationalism and the ilk being humanism writ small (and, conversely, humanism being an expanded nationalism, both assuming an intrinsic worth … Continue reading

Posted in Egoism, Philosophy, Politics, Texts of Interest | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Either Way, It’s American Displacement Day

Yesterday yielded another round of commotion regarding the infamous Christopher Columbus, designated “discoverer” of the so-called “New World” (Leif Erikson moans from Midgard!). No doubt, the less-than-vocal majority of Statesiders were simply thrilled to get a day off from work; … Continue reading

Posted in America, Biorealism, Entertainment, History, Perspectivism, Politics, Racial Issues, Society | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments