Even a stopped clock gets it right twice a day:
–Jessica Valenti
This one’s more than a year old, but no less relevant for that:
–Michelle Goldberg
Riffing-off the previous writer:
–Matthew Yglesias
An abdullah‘s perspective:
If a woman wants to wear a burqa out in public, and she’s doing it completely by her own free will, there is no reason why she shouldn’t be able to and a law banning the burqa would be a slap in the face for women’s rights.
However, if it turns out that women generally only wear the burqa to avoid being abused by jealous males, banning the burqa would be an important step toward women advancing in society.
–Ambrose Burnside
And another, though this gem shines through:
That said, although almost all societies do enact dress codes that reflect their notions of decency, banning the burqa from the street seems to me to be both a step too far and, quite possibly, counter-productive. What Sarkozy should do, however, is ensure that his fellow-citizens are as free to criticize the burqa as he is. In a country that stamps on free speech in the name of combatting the bogeyman of “Islamophobia,” it’s by no means clear that this indeed the case.
–Andrew Stuttaford
A Crowning Moment of Awesome from David Mitchell:
There’s altogether too much harping on respect and banning these days. If you can’t respect something, you should ban it. If it’s not banned, you should respect it. Bullshit. There is a huge gulf of toleration between respect and banning. In a free society, people should be allowed to do what they want wherever possible. The loss of liberty incurred by any alternative principle is too high a price to pay to stop people making dicks of themselves. But, if people are using their freedoms to make dicks of themselves, other people should be able to say so.
And, finally, an even bigger CMOA from this Muslim tycoon:
One million sounds a lot, but to protect one’s liberty it’s not much, and I hope that others in this country who hold the constitution dear and want to protect our fundamental liberty will join me in fighting this law.
–Rachid Nekkaz
Vive la dissidence!
Gotta comment on these as well. Too juicy to skip it.
>>> Banning the burqa doesn’t further women’s rights – it limits them. Now, obviously there’s a difference in Islamic women’s dress from the hijab to the burqa – but legally banning any of them erases all agency from Muslim women. <<<
Ah, this is one is rich. All of the sudden this ''feminist'' is by-passing the mantra of how a woman's face should be seen, how being covered takes away from her same right to be a person a man enjoys, how a woman is robbed of being an individual and how this speaks of men not being able to contain themselves from raping a woman if she shows as much as an elbow. Once upon a time, a ''feminist'' mantra was how this practice is an archaic, uncivilized misogynistic one, that has no place in Europe, which has come so far when it comes to women's rights…
And now this.
Who does Europe think she is to dare to ban non European practice?!
It all leads to ALL women being covered. If not for anything else, to be showing sympathy and understanding, to a point where it's only accepted.
So, why would a Muslim woman run to Europe, if Europe erases their agency? A question only those with intellectual honesty and lack of political correctness dare to ask. Why would Muslim women run to this bad bad Western non Muslim world, when they have beautiful Islamic countries, where they can flourish in all Islamic beauty, with no boundaries we, arrogant to think we can write laws in our countries Europeans place on them once they come to Europe? If Europe is so bad and Muslim countries so great, why the fuck do they come here in droves?
Who the fuck gets to say what non European shit will we, Europeans ban in OUR Europe?!
>>> Ultimately, though, there’s no evidence that most burqa-clad French women regard themselves as oppressed. “There are women who wear burqas who are not being forced by anyone, who think that form of modesty is appropriate for who they want to be in the world,” says Scott. “It’s hard to distinguish between them and those who are being forced.” And so in the end, a ban putatively passed to further women’s rights could instead impinge on their freedom, and take from them something they value. Even worse, it could lead to those in the most fundamentalist of households being trapped inside their homes altogether.<<<
Perfect. Typical. A Jew defending Muslims in Europe. That one is rich. Jewish rich.
Sure, covered Muslim women do not deem themselves as oppressed. Therefore, according to Jewish logic, Europeans must bend over.
Again, I must repeat what I said. MUSLIM women. NOT French women, as this Jew wanna, unnoticingly sneak it in.
Mutilated women, aside from a moment when they are pinned down and screaming in pain while their vaginas are mutilated with a rusty razor, do not deem themselves as oppressed either. After all, this is a centuries long tradition (any tradition but European one must be respected), and they take it for granted. Thus, following Jewish logic, if they sneaked Jewish idiocy of boys being snipped throughout USA and here and there in Europe, eventually FGM should become a sign of open minded Europeans.
Burkas are not being forced on them. Hilarious. The things weak women get used to and eventually it becomes second nature as they convince themselves they are doing it on their own.
Modesty is appropriate for who they wanna be in the world. Heh, as if THIS is a sign of modesty. And if they wanna be fucking modest, be fucking modest in your home countries but not in Europe! In the world?! This ain't no goddamn Saudi Arabia, it's Europe. And the world is not fucking Muslim, period!
It's hard to distinguish between those who are forced and who aren't?! Speaks volumes! Says it all!
Slapping a fee on them would take their freedom. Another rich one. What for did they come to Europe?! WHy not being free in Afghanistan then??? I have to pay if I fucking cross the street where I shouldn't! But, no, these Muslims should be let imposing their own laws onto Europe.
LOL@ fundamentalists, and being trapped inside their homes. Trapped by WHOM?! Who is to be blamed here? A European for writing a law how they should act in Europe, or Ahmed for locking Fatima in house?!
The fuck do I care what Ahmed does with Fatima?! He can do whatever the fuck he wants and so does she. Just not in Europe, point blank period!
Fundamentalists are those, who actually follow religion. As opposed to those, who scream Allah under their burkas, while sipping wine, eating bacon and fucking any dick in sight.
A Jew preaching about diversity to Europeans, blackmailing us with accepting Muslims and their desert shit lest be called racists, while they shoot pregnant Muslim Palestinians in Israel.
Solution? Let Europe accept all Palestinians.
>>>The French have a strong tradition not just of secularism, but of a kind of illiberal egalitarianism that holds that everyone should really be the same, and I think it tends to push them toward measures like this that don’t ultimately help anyone.<<<
Excellent. Let's attack French for all their French things in their France, including their strong traditions. How dare they have any traditions!
While at the same time, import Muslims with their strong traditions of everyone being the same, covered up to grills, throwing themselves on a rug at the same hour, and destroy that racist French tradition.
String French tradition does indeed help some – and that is French. And if that tradition were really as strong, French would not have this problem today at all, as they would not allow any Muslims to riot, destroy and beat France and French people.
Agenda is clear – instill guilt into French people for their tradition, their culture, and you will destroy French people. One burka at the time.
Makes you wonder why Muslims run to this country with such strong tradition that anything but Muslim.
What if some French traditions differ only in degree from Saudi ones? That’s the argument.
If that were the case, then why would Muslims go to France in the first place, if France is basically like SA?
The point is: if it’s French, it’s French and should remain French and French should and must topple anything else that is not French, in order for France to remain French.
In real world, French could not and does not differ only in degree from SA traditions; in fact, it’s worlds apart. If that were the case, Muslims wouldn’t have to rape the unwilling.
The question is: how long will France allow herself to be unwillingly raped (technical paradox, but, again, had to form it this way) by this intruder, who wants to destroy her Frenchness. Is it France’s fault for walking around uncovered, and Ahmed saw an elbow and took the opportunity?
Let’s not count how many times I said French, OK?
>>>Women themselves will face a smaller fine of just over £100 because they are “often victims with no choice in the matter”, says the draft but this just shows the sexist view points of those drafting the laws, not seeing women as a person in her own right.<<<
You cannot make this shit up. LMAO!
Abdullah, of all the people, is preaching about punishment a Muslim woman faces for not obeying the law of a country that's not hers.
Abdullah, of all the people, is preaching to Europeans about Muslim women not having choice of the matter and how France is sexist. You gotta see it to believe it. And you gotta see Abdullah preaching to Europeans how we do not see a Muslim woman as a person in her own right. Well, tell ya what Abdullah. Grab your Fatima, and off to Middle East you go. You will not dictate how Europeans live. And when you're back in your non sexist Middle East, you can beat the shit out of Fatima for burning your launch, and then you can pour acid on her invisible face. Nope, I won't protest. Do as you please in your country, and I will do as I please in mine. And don' dare to dictate what Europeans will do in our Europe.
>>>That said, although almost all societies do enact dress codes that reflect their notions of decency, banning the burqa from the street seems to me to be both a step too far and, quite possibly, counter-productive. What Sarkozy should do, however, is ensure that his fellow-citizens are as free to criticize the burqa as he is. In a country that stamps on free speech in the name of combatting the bogeyman of “Islamophobia,” it’s by no means clear that this indeed the case.<<>> There’s altogether too much harping on respect and banning these days. If you can’t respect something, you should ban it. If it’s not banned, you should respect it. Bullshit. There is a huge gulf of toleration between respect and banning. In a free society, people should be allowed to do what they want wherever possible. The loss of liberty incurred by any alternative principle is too high a price to pay to stop people making dicks of themselves. But, if people are using their freedoms to make dicks of themselves, other people should be able to say so.<<>>One million sounds a lot, but to protect one’s liberty it’s not much, and I hope that others in this country who hold the constitution dear and want to protect our fundamental liberty will join me in fighting this law.<<<
Yep, we've allowed them to go way too far. A Muslim will fight a French law in France. The time is high for Europeans to start fighting intruders and protect European liberty. And not with words, either.
Even if they end up raping and murdering “European liberty” in the process?
European liberty is being raped and murdered by non Europeans as we speak. How could fighting the very same who are raping and murdering European liberty result in rape and murder of European liberty by very Europeans?
Europeans allowed European liberty to be raped and murdered by not defending European liberty in the first place.
Cleaning one’s house is always liberating. Sitting in a dirty basement, bitching about your whole house being dirty and how rats are about to eat you alive, will not your house magically turn into tidy place, where you can live. However, the problem is: why did you even allow your house to become this dirty, unhealthy place in the FIRST place.
But, the house is dirty. Now, first recognize it is dirty, you can’t live like this anymore, then recognize when it started becoming dirty, why you haven’t done anything about it, and then go straight to cleaning.
And do not fear of being called a bigot toward dirtiness, or the rats will get you.
“European liberty is being raped and murdered by non Europeans as we speak. How could fighting the very same who are raping and murdering European liberty result in rape and murder of European liberty by very Europeans?”
Last time I checked, Europe’s immigration policy was under the control of racial Europeans. Think about what said parties have to gain by such measures (allowing mass immigration from lands with illiberal cultures). Think of who panders to the more unreasonable demands of the Muslim slave moralist demographic. Whose short-term gain is being fuelled by a potential long-term loss?
Could you elaborate what you mean by immigration policy being under control of (racial) Europeans? Are you talking about people of European countries, who, even though not loud enough (for obvious reasons) protest non European immigration? Are you talking about non European politicians who not only ignore the will of previously mentioned people, but taunt and blackmail people with ”you racist”? Granted, there are, unfortunately, European politicians, who either slob non European politicians’ dicks in favor of mass immigration, as well as your average dumb liberal (gotta prove I’m not racist)European, but the majority of Europeans are against immigration. Not that, at this point in time, it matters, since Europe is not democratic at all.
Do we, EU states, still have a right to demand referendum against non European Turkey to enter EU? Or will non Europeans Turkey become EU member despite Europeans being against it?
Whose short term gain is being fulled by long term loss? Who is behind immigration? Why? What does a plan of importing 50 million Africans (along with the whole damn Turkey) to Europe mean for Europe and Europeans? Do I really have to point out just WHAT terrible and permanent loss this would be for Europe? Are Europeans really the ones for this? If not, who decides for us, and why don’t we have any right to say no to this?
It’s not a European, who is seemingly against burkas in France, while massively importing Muslims and ordering French people to mix with non French people. Is it now?
Don’t tell me you don’t know what is really going on. Don’t tell me you take politics at face value: right vs left?
I’m talking about racially European politicos, yes, though I expect Zionists (who could well be European as well as Hebraic) slot into all this somewhere too.
“It’s not a European, who is seemingly against burkas in France, while massively importing Muslims and ordering French people to mix with non French people. Is it now?”
Actually, your friend, Sarkozy, is at least three-quarters European; at least, the last time, I checked.
“Don’t tell me you take politics at face value: right vs left?”
You’re seriously asking me this question?
”I’m talking about racially European politicos, yes, though I expect Zionists (who could well be European as well as Hebraic) slot into all this somewhere too.”
I mentioned Europeans (no need for ”racially” adjective) who suck non European dicks, yes. True, one does not have to be a Jew (and I am specifically talking about genetics here) in order to be a Jewish whore aka Zionist (think Biden). However, these Jewish whores moonlight only as – Jewish whores and do not have the power of their pimps. If I take a look at the country I live in, all major political positions are occupied by Jews. In case you thought this fuckery was reserved for Britain, France only. And, how shockingly, these politicians are the ones who are constantly taunting us with how we should open ourselves to anything that’s not European. There are, yes, a few here and there, Europeans, who grin to what the Jews say, but…
”Actually, your friend, Sarkozy, is at least three-quarters European; at least, the last time, I checked.”
Ad hominem attack of the lowest order? Really? A Jew my friend? I don’t have Jewish friends. I don’t have friends, who are advertising non European immigration and mixing of Europeans into extinction. You must have mixed me with someone else.
But, let’s do check this Sarkozy. Three – quarters European, you claim? At least on the top of that? I don’t like this math.
Father? A Jew. Which leads us to eliminate 3/4 into 2/4.
Mother 1/2 French and 1/2 Jew.
I’m no Pitagoras, but that makes Sarkozy, AT LEAST, not 3/4 of a European. AT least, since I do not know the exact genetic ancestry of that 1/2 French claim.
Genetically, at LEAST 3/4 of a Jew, who identifies himself as a Jew, was previously married to a Jew, is now married to a Jew and is working against Europe as if any other Jew, is – if you ask me – a Jew.
And yeah. Looks like a Jew, shockingly.
Since I have a feeling where that math came from. A Jew born in Greece/France/Hungary is not Greek, not French and not Hungarian.
Just because Israel and Turkey play in EUROleague (basketball) and just because they participate in EUROsong, does not mean either have ever been nor ever will be European: neither geographically, nor genetically, nor culturally. And that goes for their mixture, known as Khazaria as well.
A Bengal Tiger is a Bengal tiger. You could bring him to Paris, to chill in Parisian coffee shop and listen to chanson, but he is still Bengal tiger and not Parisian.
”You’re seriously asking me this question?”
I know. I am just as shocked as you are.
“Ad hominem attack of the lowest order? Really? A Jew my friend?”
Hahaha! No ad hominem–just a little sarcasm.
“Father? A Jew. Which leads us to eliminate 3/4 into 2/4.
Mother 1/2 French and 1/2 Jew.
I’m no Pitagoras, but that makes Sarkozy, AT LEAST, not 3/4 of a European. AT least, since I do not know the exact genetic ancestry of that 1/2 French claim.”
As I read it, his dad’s Hungarian royalty; hence my saying he’s 3/4 Euro.
“A Bengal Tiger is a Bengal tiger. You could bring him to Paris, to chill in Parisian coffee shop and listen to chanson, but he is still Bengal tiger and not Parisian.”
By this analogy, I “belong” in Europe no more than the Muslims (not all of whom are first generation immigrants).
”Hahaha! No ad hominem–just a little sarcasm.”
I love a good portion of sarcasm. THAT was not one. It was an attack, an insult of the lowest order.
”As I read it, his dad’s Hungarian royalty; hence my saying he’s 3/4 Euro.”
Umm hmmm. Cute story. *whistles*
”By this analogy, I “belong” in Europe no more than the Muslims (not all of whom are first generation immigrants).”
Daniel, do not even THINK of going there! Not a word!
“I love a good portion of sarcasm. THAT was not one. It was an attack, an insult of the lowest order.”
I told you my intent–take it as you wish.
“Daniel, do not even THINK of going there! Not a word!”
Whyever not?
You know damn well why not. Don’t provoke when there’s nothing to provoke. Don’t act like *you* personally didn’t understand just what I meant.
I am willing to make an exemption, specific and on strictly personal non – general basis, for Idahoan, who knows there are no potatoes here, but doesn’t bitch about it and contributes to the community via working on our tomato fields.
Not a word!
Since this blog is “my house”, I’ll decide whether or not I utter “a word”. Or several.
If that riles you…oh well, I guess!
The potato=burqa analogy fails, as choosing to wear the burqa is like bringing potato seeds to plant in one’s own garden; if I did that and someone wanted to stop me, well…Hell would certainly open up.
”Since this blog is “my house”, I’ll decide whether or not I utter “a word”. Or several.
If that riles you…oh well, I guess!”
Checkmate, MRDA, checkmate.
Yes, this is your house and you make the rules. As you would agree (or at least wouldn’t be stupid enough to stand in the middle of China, telling Chinese what rights do they have to China land) that China is Chinese people’s house, Africa African people’s house…
…but Europe is not European people’s house and we don’t get the right to utter even one word.
How quickly you’ve gotten territorial about your house, but hypocritically deny the rights of Europeans to our house. THAT was the point here.
So, yes, do utter as many words as you fell like. It’s not like you didn’t understand what I was talking about, and it’s not like I didn’t understand what you were talking about. I still answered your question, but, you wanna lead it astray where I told I won’t go. Or rather, you shouldn’t.
”The potato=burqa analogy fails, as choosing to wear the burqa is like bringing potato seeds to plant in one’s own garden; if I did that and someone wanted to stop me, well…Hell would certainly open up.”
No, it most certainly didn’t fail. It just didn’t get any answers to its rhetorical questions. Why did you move where there are no potatoes in the first place?
I totally agree on the second part, tho. Heh, as if THAT were not my point all along. Yes, bring as many seeds of potatoes to plant in YOUR own garden. And yes, do open hell the fuck up if someone were to tel you you’re not allowed.
But – bring potato seeds into MY garden, when I specifically told you you’re not allowed, THEN for sure the hell in my garden would open the fuck up.
The problem we have here is that your garden is your garden and you, rightfully so, claim the right to do as you please in your garden.
While my garden is not really my garden, and not only I’m not allowed to do as I please in my garden, but have to please everyone else to do as they please in my garden.
*You*, the person, don’t own all Europe, or all Slovenia (the “gardens” in your analogy) either, just as I don’t own the whole of the UK; do you walk into the literal houses of your fellow Serbs and Europeans and start rearranging shit, meeting any objections with “My house, my rules!”? Do you get to kick out the politicos you perceive as selling Europe down the river?
If not, then sorry—Europe as a whole is not your “house”.
When I speak of “house”, I speak of my own spot in the country (including, for the purposes of the topic, my body), not the entire country/continent/landmass–that’s just presumptuous and inaccurate.
I thought one of the things that makes Euro culture preferable for many—European and non-European alike–is that they recognize this distinction better than other cultures. If the West wants to throw that away in favour of equivalence with the worst aspects of illiberal Saudi culture, I’ll relinquish my support for the West, cos there really won’t be anything worth fucking saving in that instance.
I refuse. This cannot be real.
Explain to me the process that happens here.
I take a position of property meaning just that – property, and all the rules that come from that. From having the right to do with your property as you see fit to at the same time denying entry to anyone you do not want to and defending it from those, who wanna rule in/on your property. I take position of respecting other people’s property, I give examples how *I* when I go to Toskany, wanna experience the culture of Toskany (as opposed to Ahmed’s culture) which logically concludes I would not enforce my culture onto Toskany and I would respect its culture. I state how, for example, I want Denmark to remain Danish forever, which would make it for a very simple notion that, not only I am not speaking about wanting, thinking I have the right to go to a Dane’s house and and tell him what to do in HIS house (and here I thought I was more than clear on this) but the exact OPPOSITE.
You claim I am speaking for exact opposite I’ve been speaking all along!
*You*, the person, don’t own all Europe, or all Slovenia (the “gardens” in your analogy) either, just as I don’t own the whole of the UK;”
Where the hell did I ever say I OWN the whole Europe?! What I did say is that Europeans own the whole Europe and at the same time, Non European DO NOT and from that, all the property rights stem from.
I own part of Europe (and Slovenia) just as much as EVERY European does! And, when all Europeans throw THEIR part of rights of whole Europe, we get to the part of Europeans OWNING this house called Europe!
Where did you get that *I* the person claimed ownership of the whole Europe, as opposed to WANTING and supporting each and every European nation to remain sovereign in their right to make their rules in their nations, defend their nations and sustain historical and cultural identity?!
What you’re placing onto me is the EXACT opposite of what I’ve been saying all along!
Each and every European nation makes for EUROPE. It’s like an apartment building – each nation owns an apartment, but we ALL live in ONE building.
This cannot be real!
”do you walk into the literal houses of your fellow Serbs and Europeans and start rearranging shit, meeting any objections with “My house, my rules!”?”
No. I am NOT a Muslim. I go where I am invited by the owners, and when in their house, I politely follow the rules of the house I am a guest at, and I do not, under any circumstance, enforce the rules I have in my house onto the owner of the house I am a guest at!
Have I not been saying this exact thing for days now?! If the rule MY house MY rules applies to me, then the very same rule applies for the owner of the house I am a guest at!
YOU’VE been defending a guest as having the right to do as he pleases in a house that does not belong to him, while *I* have been defending the owner of the house to kick the intruder out!
And then you go and flip it on me how I’m walking around other people’s houses telling them how to arrange shit in THEIR house!
No, I do not go to a Serb’s house and rearrange shit around his house. Albanians however do and did. And they did not only rearrange the shit in the house, but took the whole damn house and the land the house stood on for centuries!
And it all started with: well, why shouldn’t Albanians live here, too, which was followed by: Hey, Serb, who do you think you are, you think you own the whole house?
Jesus fucking Christ! I am repeating everything I’ve written in the past few days, ONLY now I am being accused of the very same thing I’ve been against!
Every Pole has the right to Poland AND Europe. Every Austrian has the right to Austria and Europe!
It starts, as I mentioned several times now, on a micro level.
When a Pole doesn’t own a house anymore, he soon won’t own a land the house stood on, and won’t own the country the land stood in, and won’t own Europe as a European!
”Do you get to kick out the politicos you perceive as selling Europe down the river?”
Perceive, uh? It’s just my imagination that I am being asked who the fuck am I to think I own my house, right?
Do I get to kick them out or lay down and play dead? I, alone, won’t be able to kick anyone out. Every European, who owns this Europe WILL.
It will happen when every European, when told since when does he think he owns his house, will react with: What did you just say? As opposed to bending over, shivering he will be called any adjective from Israeli book of ”Racist whitey”.
”If not, then sorry—Europe as a whole is not your “house”.”
Sorry, Europe is my house, that I share with other Europeans. Actually, no, I am not sorry. At all.
Question: If Danes, Swedes, Finns etc wanted to let immigrants in whilst Serbia didn’t, would you leave the Danes, Swedes and Finns to it?
*You claim I am speaking for exact opposite I’ve been speaking AGAINST all along!
Miss one word, and the whole house collapses.
”When I speak of “house”, I speak of my own spot in the country (including, for the purposes of the topic, my body), not the entire country/continent/landmass–that’s just presumptuous and inaccurate.”
I speak of MY body which lives in MY house, which stands in MY European nation which owns its part of OUR/MY Europe.
Do you really think I’m walking around Europe, ordering people around what they can do in their parts of Europe?!
I RESPECT a Dane’s right to arrange HIS Denmark as he sees fit and work along with me to arrange OUR Europe as WE sit fit.
And I just keep explaining how it all starts on micro level, of not having the right to do in your house as you please, which escalades into not having a country anymore.
I’d like to see you stand in the middle of China telling Chinese how they don’t own China.
”I thought one of the things that makes Euro culture preferable for many—European and non-European alike–is that they recognize this distinction better than other cultures.”
So, let’s ruin this by importing members of a culture that does not recognize this and turn it into non European culture! I like this genocide, don’t you?
This distinction? What exactly would fall under THIS distinction? Brainwashing Europeans into accepting every non European schmuck into Europe, lest we be called ”just like those backwards Saudis”?
Fine, call me whatever you want, it won’t have any impact on me anymore, but I will still say Europe is Europeans’ house!
”If the West wants to throw that away in favour of equivalence with the worst aspects of illiberal Saudi culture, I’ll relinquish my support for the West, cos there really won’t be anything worth fucking saving in that instance.”
Fine, if you won’t allow me to have my dirty rain boots on in your living room, then I just won’t visit you anymore.
Thank you for visiting and goodbye.
We have a solution, don’t we? With which we wouldn’t even have to deal with in the first place, had we paid attention to the man behind the curtain, not fight among ourselves while the intruders were stealing our houses right in front of our noses. We have our military (sans Swiss). What for? To fight in Afghanistan and Iraq for Israel or to defend Europe?
Europe has been, much to her own downfall, a graceful and kind hostess. Guests got too comfortable and were pushing the envelope to the point where the hostess couldn’t take it anymore.
It’s time for the hostess to kick out the guests and shut down the party.
We just now need for the hostess to wake up from the sleep she sunk in after she was, not to her knowledge, given a roofie. And was raped, beaten and left for dead.
”Question: If Danes, Swedes, Finns etc wanted to let immigrants in whilst Serbia didn’t, would you leave the Danes, Swedes and Finns to it?”
Are you reading my replies? If yes, have you recently had a head injury which resulted in short term memory loss? And I’m not even joking.
First, I’ll just copy myself. Maybe it will sink in this time around.
I refuse. This cannot be real.
Explain to me the process that happens here.
I take a position of property meaning just that – property, and all the rules that come from that. From having the right to do with your property as you see fit to at the same time denying entry to anyone you do not want to and defending it from those, who wanna rule in/on your property. I take position of respecting other people’s property, I give examples how *I* when I go to Toskany, wanna experience the culture of Toskany (as opposed to Ahmed’s culture) which logically concludes I would not enforce my culture onto Toskany and I would respect its culture. I state how, for example, I want Denmark to remain Danish forever, which would make it for a very simple notion that, not only I am not speaking about wanting, thinking I have the right to go to a Dane’s house and and tell him what to do in HIS house (and here I thought I was more than clear on this) but the exact OPPOSITE.
Do you really think I’m walking around Europe, ordering people around what they can do in their parts of Europe?!
I RESPECT a Dane’s right to arrange HIS Denmark as he sees fit and work along with me to arrange OUR Europe as WE sit fit.
”Question: If Danes, Swedes, Finns etc wanted to let immigrants in whilst Serbia didn’t, would you leave the Danes, Swedes and Finns to it?”
A Dane and only a Dane has the right to say what happens in his Denmark. In case I haven’t been crystal clear about this.
I personally do not get to ”leave them to it”. I have no right. I, unlike some, know my rights and respect others’ rights just the same. I have no thought dictating what a Dane can, cannot do in his Denmark.
Your question is void of logic in itself: if the Serbs don’t do X, but Danes do X, that means I will do Y to Danes.
”If” in your sentence speaks of a situation which does not correspond to reality. There’s NO if. Danes, Swedes, Finns – none of them are in favor of immigration. They do not like what is going on in their countries, they know something is wrong, some are vocal, most too scared to say anything – and these are the ones who need support and encouragment.
I tried, I really tried to ragingly ignore the oh vey part; this is ABOUT Swedes not about rats.
A high school in Sweden. 1000 pupils. How many of them are Swedes? 2! T_W_O! Who are the rest? Danes? Finns? Norwegians? No! Muslims!
Po’ Muslims, just want to escape terrible conditions in Middle East. Honest working people, respecting the gracious, kind hostess.
Hell no! This is the reality. No ifs, no buts – total and complete deportation.
Norway is asking the same question: what happened to me and my culture? Riots, violence, blackmail, rape, murder, destruction. SAME reason.
In his own damn country:
Or is it his country anymore? Look at his behavior! Like an intruder, bullied in his own house!
Same story in Denmark:
Oh noes! Denmark is Nazi! THIS is how it’s done. This is how you corner and blackmail Europeans to go along with their extinction.
*sigh* Gotta love the sheep defending their future butcher.
Belgium. A Muslim doesn’t give a fuck about the laws of Belgium; he rules there.
So, let me flip your question onto you: what are YOU gonna do if the Danes, Swedes, Finns et al put their foot down and demand complete deportation?
If you ask ME, I will support them 100%. You?
So, let me flip your question onto you: what are YOU gonna do if the Danes, Swedes, Finns et al put their foot down and demand complete deportation?
If you ask ME, I will support them 100%. You?
100% deportation? No.
Deporting immigrants who rape and murder? Yes.
Restricting immigration from Islamic lands? Yes.
Howdy, it’s been a while. I see there’s a few replies waiting here to be tackled. I had to step away from this topic for a while.
The question ”what are YOU gonna do…” was either to be taken as a rhetorical question or a trap that should be avoided.
The only answer to a question what would YOU say to a Dane et al who wants 100% deportation from THEIR countries, is: nothing, I don’t have any right to object to what Danes want to do in their countries. This has been MY stance all along, and this is what I am defending here.
100% deportation? No.
YOU don’t have any right to object to a Dane wanting 100% deportation. And this is not negotiable.
Deporting immigrants who rape and murder? Yes.
Short sided. First, immigrants pretend to behave. When there’s enough of them, when they’ve pushed the envelope far enough, they can rape and murder at will. Once Danes are minority in THEIR Denmark, who the fuck will be able to deport rapists and murderers?
I, for one, have no intention on waiting until Ahmed rapes and murders for him to be deported. Deport one, 100 pop out of Fatima and 1000 get imported.
Restricting immigration from Islamic lands? Yes.
Islamic lands you say? I will connect this with what our dear midget Jew is doing in France with gypsies.
Islamic lands. Say, Sweden applies your idea. And restricts immigration of Muslims from Islamic lands. Now, here enter, say, Germany. Why Germany, you ask? Well, they have around 3 million (hard to digest this number, considering there’s 4 million Norwegians, for example, 2 million Slovenes,…) Muslims. And they are (*deep sigh*) European citizens. Which means they can freely move to ANY country within EU.
Islamic lands, you say? A Muslim, with a German/EU passport can thus freely move to Sweden. Along with his 100 cousins, aunts, uncles.
There’s a flood threatening to drown Europe, and people are throwing around sand bags. No one thinks of an idea to turn off the water.
When I heard the midget preaching about deporting gypsies from France, right around the time we had this debate, I just cynically shook my head. Here we go again. More of the absurd theater for burka audience.
First. Deporting gypsies to their homeland, the midget said. I thought: India?
Of course not. He said Romania and Bulgaria.
*scratches head*
Something is wrong here. Again.
He put some 70 gypsies on a plane (some 60 arrived in Romania; must be a gypsy math), said he will deport 700. And 400,000 gypsies will STILL remain in France.
If I go by your idea, as an intermezzo here, I guess only 700 out of 400,000 gypsies are criminals.
Now, if I go back to your ”Islamic lands” idea. Romania and Bulgaria are, as they should be, in EU. Which means citizens of Romania and Bulgaria have the right to move freely and live freely anywhere within EU. France is in EU. So, what does that mean, MRDA?
The moment the gypsies touched Romania (via free plane ride), they hopped into a stolen car, and off to France they went.
Now, of course, the heated debate ensued all over Europe, with imperative politically correct preaching in EU parliament re: this topic. That terrible France! Deporting to po’ oppressed gypsies! It’s like Nazi Germany all over!
Deport 700 out of 400,000 gypsies, let the people get pounded by how bad, racist and nazi they are, and they will shut up about it.
Damn, if the plan didn’t work.
Nothing happened to the midget. Of course not. He’s doing shit according to the plan and he’s one of them. Now, let some German dude speak about how Muslims are destroying Germany, and he will get FIRED and immediately accused of being a racist, a nazi etc. Why? Because he actually mean it and because it’s true.
Didn’t he get the memo that Germans have no say what happens in Germany? Didn’t he get the memo he is to cater to ”minorities”? Didn’t he get the memo that multiculturalism enriches Europe and is something Europe MUST accept, freely quoted by some Jew, who’s doing the Jewish work in Sweden as we speak?
Islamic lands, you say? Well, Europe, especially and specifically Serbia, fought for centuries against Islam and Turkey. But now, now Turkey doesn’t have to behead any European – it gets the doors wide open to Europe. Islamic lands, you say? Have you taken a look at the map, to see where Turkey is, who are its neighbors and WHAT is coming to Europe?
There’s around 60 MILLION Muslims in Europe as we speak. Islamic lands, MRDA? Europe is becoming an Islamic land!
Macedonia, for example, a EUROPEAN country, is tattering on the verge of being 50% Muslim. Yes, those fucking damn Albanians AGAIN! Kosovo – gone (for the TIME being!!!). Macedonia about to be gone. Montenegro (from where my paternal grandfather’s family comes) – getting there! Bosnia – over 50% Muslim. Surrounding lands – Romania, Bulgaria, Russia. Similar from North.
But, it must be just ME, that’s paranoid, and intellectually challenged (kinda like Stormfronters, right) for imagining some kinda danger. It must be my delusion that a SERBIAN Kosovo being 90% (!!!) non Serbian, Muslim is not real.
Intermezzo: Albanians taunting Serbs in Kosovo after Turkey STOLE finals in basketball from Serbia. It’s just basketball? No, it’s not.
The burka may be banned as of now, but you won’t see any Ahmed or Fatima leaving racist France because of it. On a contrary – they will breed some more and import some more.
That’s how you steal the land, that’s a modern warfare. That, or owning THE bank.
You don’t get to tell a Serb, of all the people, that this is just imagination and how they have rights, while she watches her people getting beheaded and land stolen. A Serb won’t keep her mouth shut. Historical fact.