There is no Good, there is no Bad;
- These be the whims of mortal will:
What works me weal that call I “good,”
- What harms and hurts I hold as “ill:’
They change with place, they shift with race;
- And, in the veriest span of Time,
Each Vice has won a Virtue’s crown;
- All good was banned as Sin or Crime:
All Faith is false, all Faith is true:
- Truth is the shattered mirror strown
In myriad bits; while each believes
- His little bit the whole to own.
What is the Truth? was askt of yore.
- Reply all object Truth is one
As twain of halves aye makes as whole;
- The moral Truth for all is none.
There is no Heaven, there is no Hell;
- These be the dreams of baby brains;
Tools of the wily Fetisheer,
- To ‘fright the fools his cunning blinds.
From self-approval seek applause:
- What ken not men thou kennest, thou!
Spurn ev’ry idol others raise:
- Before thine own Ideal bow:
Be thine own Deus: Make self free,
- Liberal as the circling air:
Thy Thought to thee an Empire be;
- Break every prisoning lock and bar:
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