- Living a lie: the default state of the human animal.
- “It exists for a reason” is often the end of all reasoning for the person who states it.
- “Suffering in silence” is beautiful, poetic, and noble—provided you’re not the poor fucker doing it!
- To “love everything” is to value…what exactly?
- The adage needs correction: It is the bold who favour fortune, but the sentiment is not always reciprocated.
- Chivalry: the foreplay to foreplay.
- “Warm or cold?” is a question I ask myself every day, usually not when washing my hands.
- Too much light burns out the sight.
- Where self-assertion goes, alienation often follows.
- Diminish fear = diminish normality.
- Paradox: It’s a natural human instinct to deny one’s human instincts.
- Belief and moralism are luxuries when the consequences aren’t yours to bear.
- Cynicism: sometimes, a sword; other times, a shield.
- “Suffering in silence” is beautiful, poetic, and noble…provided you’re not the poor fucker doing it!
- I might consider watching ITV’s Take Me Out if the title was meant in an entirely different sense.
- Humanity (n.): Making the best of a bad situation.
- For some, ‘intimacy’ and ‘antagonism’ are synonyms.
- Everyone has at least one ox waiting to be gored. Some, even most, have more numerous and obvious ones than others.
- Oppression: the societal aphrodisiac.
- ‘Hakuna Matata’: theme tune of the psychopath.
- Censorship: Deference to idiocracy.
- Many, all too many, mistake normality for a normative.
“”Suffering in silence” is beautiful, poetic, and noble—provided you’re not the poor fucker doing it!”
It always struck me as bizarre the way people are recounted as going to their execution with little resistance. Why not bite the hangman? Kick the sheriff – what are they going to do, kill you? Why do these people march willingly to death without at least trying to take someone with them? This is especially noteworthy in the case of the French and Russian revolutions. As Solzhenitsyn recounts, the Stasi were but a handful of men entering apartments with hundreds or thousands of occupants. Likewise, as the French gendarmes are rounding up five hundred people, did it ever occur to those people that even bound and tied they could trample their guards to death?
It seems that most people would rather die than be seen acting uncouthly. That goes a long way toward explaining the human condition.