Well, that was the longest fucking hiatus ever! How’ve you cunts been?
There’s so much I’ve wanted to say over the past ten or so months, but life and lethargy got in the way. Hopefully, the latter is over, writing-wise.
So, yeah, get ready for an Infernal influx of posts on a variety of topics, including:
- Allah contra Ares? The link between militant Mohammedism and mythology.
- Erdoğan: the Turkish Triggypuff and Islamist slug ruler of Turkistan, and all the various ways he sucks cock.
- The antonym that is “antifa”.
- Rotherham: a retrospective.
- MILS: Mothers I’d Love to Sterilise.
- “Just words”? The lie told by every creative free-speech advocate.
- ISIS tourists, dashing toward Daesh, and the best way to deal with ‘em.
- Reviews of a variety of reads, including Frank Fleming’s Superego, Michael Rose’s Infernalia, Jerry Barnett’s Porn Panic!, Sarah Perry’s Every Cradle is a Grave, Andy Nowicki’s Heart Killer, Gerald B.Lorentz’s Homo, 99 and 44/100% Nonsapiens, Sean Gabb’s Freedom of Speech in England:Its Present State and Likely Prospects, Ismael Sarepta’s Madame Einzige: Amor Fati, and Ann Sterzinger’s The Talkative Corpse, NVSQAM, and Disaster Fitness: MakeYour Demons Do the Work.
Lushes and reprobates: Hell’s opened up once more, and you’re all invited!
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