Are you fucking serious!?

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6 Responses to Are you fucking serious!?

  1. konami says:

    I’ve been around crazy, over-emotional people and they act nowhere near as over the top as this. I guess this is what happens when people encourage eachother on about it.
    They got some serious issues alright.

  2. cearrdorn says:

    are you sure this isn’t from the onion? this smacks of too absurd to be real.

  3. psuedoid says:

    HAha fuck yeah nice finale there!

  4. ubermensch says:

    you need to visit santa cruz some time. people like this really exist.

  5. Hahaha!
    Like everything overzealous hippies do, this strikes me as insincere.

  6. Add Berkeley to your list of insane hippie cities to visit. I managed to visit UC Berkeley towards the end of their 21 month tree sit-in. Nothing like cranky, dirty hippies trying desperately to look extremely comfortable whilst “lounging” in tree branches. I love nature, but I do not sob hysterically or scream over dead trees… even from a touchy-feely new age perspective it just makes more sense to honor the tree by planting a new one instead of attention whoring on youtube. Maybe that’s just me though.

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