Ostensibly, she’s a horny, hyper-enhanced, insatiable fuckpig, ready to give hummers to all cummers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year, 3 holes per session…
…until the director yells “cut”, upon which she reverts to a hollow, empty, used-up shell of a woman, living only for the next shoot, the next snort, the next memory-altering high to blot out the lows of her child fuck-toy past.
Such is the sorry existence of the spread-legged starlet known as the porno “actress”. Just ask any social conservative or Dworkinite diva. If they say it, it must be true. Right?
Female porn stars are psychologically as healthy or healthier than other women, according to a new study, which challenges widely held views about women in the adult entertainment business.
Adult entertainers were found to have higher self-esteem, a better quality of life and body image, and to be more positive, with greater levels of spirituality. They also had higher levels of sexual satisfaction and, perhaps unsurprisingly, many more partners than other women.
The American researchers, who report their findings in the Journal of Sex Research, said they found no evidence to support the “damaged goods hypothesis” that actresses involved in the porn industry come from desperate backgrounds and are less psychologically healthy compared with typical women.
The psychologists compared data taken from 177 adult entertainment actresses with a sample of women matched for age, marital status and other factors. The actresses, all of whom had been paid to work on at least one X-rated movie, ranged in age from 18 to 50, with an average career in the industry of 3.5 years. More than one-third were either married or in a serious relationship, and 44 per cent were single.
One of the main claims by commentators on the industry has been that actresses have frequently experienced sexual abuse in childhood, but the results show no statistically significant difference between the two groups of women.
The study also shows that the actresses sleep better and have more energy. Almost 70 per cent gave enjoyment of sex full marks, compared with 33 per cent of the other women; and they had first had sex at a lower age: 15 rather than 17. On the negative side, industry workers had a history of more drug and alcohol use, and problems possibly linked to sensation-seeking personalities. The study was undertaken by researchers at Shippensburg University, Texas Woman’s University and the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation.
Cynthia Graham, senior lecturer in health psychology at Southampton University, said: “This study really challenges views about women who engage in sex work and the porn industry. Although the study had limitations, it is one of very few that has included matched controls.”
Now, of course, this is but one study of a small segment of porno industry women, and the prevalence of powder-noses is noted, in line with the stereotype. Nevertheless, if this sample is indeed representative of the wider world of Planet Porn, it presents something of a challenge to conservo and feminist narratives that preach pain and degradation.
Frankly, I think you’d have to be an exceptionally bitter, internally contorted human being to not want the study findings to be characteristic of the wider industry. Why wouldn’t feminists, gynocentrists, and wimmins rights groups want porn, prostitution, stripping, and other aspects of the skin trade to be dominated by happy, fulfilled, intelligent sisters in control of their own sexualities?
Actually, I can think of an overriding reason—their urge to dominate the discourse.
Like many who lust for control, the aforementioned special interests need a blubbering mess of broken, bruised, abused victims for validation. Hence you get femiternalists taking worst case scenarios, like sex trafficking and child prostitution, and framing them as the throbbing heart of the gash-for-cash trade.
The universalization (and valorisation) of the victim serves as the perfect Trojan Horse to wheel in gynoconservative measures against both men and women who don’t stick to the script; thus follow the shutdowns of strip clubs, proposals for mandatory filth filters (“for the sake of the children”, of course), anti-Page 3 petitions, and the attempts to stigmatise and criminalise shaking out a hand shandy to neotenous sex starlets.
In effect at least, such neo-Puritan measures amount to a sanctified, and often legislated, cockblock.
Which brings me onto another wonderful end result all these assorted interests seem to be aiming for. Whilst the more straightforwardly conservative elements want to protect the purity ‘n’ piety of the pussy, the femorrhoids want to eliminate all threats not just to their worldview, but to their visibility and desirability. Propagating “exploitation” narratives, and dismissing the experience of many a woman to the contrary by branding them “gender traitors” or “damaged goods”, these hectors and harridans seek to posit themselves as the epitomes of health and attractiveness.
Either that, or they’re just killjoys for the sake of it, deriving a certain satisfaction from enforcing an equality of misery. I think H. L. Mencken put it best when he pegged Puritanism as “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy”.
As well as sexual protectionism, there’s also a sizeable dollop of what I call sexual exceptionalism (or sexceptionalism) in anti-sex industry rhetoric; by that I mean the notion that when it comes to employment, economics, and/or ejaculation, being a sex worker of any kind constitutes a special and unique type of “exploitation” that warrants extra-special attention. As well as the expected family values and feminist variants, I’ve encountered commies bitching about some “lumpenproletariat slut” or other slurping scrotes for notes. In their eyes, Sharon selling her slit is “an insult to the working class who actually have to go out there and struggle for nothing”: a middle finger raised with each cock.
In my eyes, such commie conniptions amount to an economic form of Puritanism: clear and present ressentiment against someone who makes more in a day with her starfish than they do in a week with Starbucks. As a former retail runt, I have some sympathy for those pissed-off about having little control over their time and income, if not the desire to exalt that state to a sacred virtue.
By contrast, disrobing for dinero doesn’t sound like such an awful gig. If you’re in the porn industry, you can get rich and famous doing something you love; if you’re a prozzy, you can set your own hours and rates (if you’re smart enough to forego a pimp); and if you’re a stripper, “look but don’t touch” must surely be a more inspiring ethos to work under than “the customer is always right”. Were I in possession of two comely x-chromosomes, I wouldn’t turn my nose up at any of that (though my arse might be a different story).
Gendercrats, so-cons, and class warriors can spit all they want, but I can’t see happy, self-fulfilled harlots willing to swallow…
…except on camera, for a pre-negotiated fee…
EDIT (1/2/13): It seems that this entry caught the attention of the LGBT libertarian show Flaming Freedom. Check out the podcast: tis quite amusing and refreshing to hear my scribings read out “on air”, as it were…
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Mencius Moldbug has observed that activism is all about power. All activism. It doesn’t matter their ideology, the ideology is a sort of fore-brain rationalization of their tribal ape social climbing.
This is also why all activists, from libertarians to communists, are incurable idiots.
The higher body image, sexual enjoyment, etc. are predictable if you start out with the model of comparative advantage and specialization. It figures that people who find sex the least onerous will be the ones most likely to sell it.
The reason that no one starts from this point is because there is a pre-decided taboo against treating sex as a recreational activity and familial entanglements as unrelated to sex. Humans are largely incapable of thinking rationally about anything that involves sex, family, or children.
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I wonder how I missed this gem. Ditto to almost every sentence.
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