Is it me, or is Iceland all set to become the world’s first feminazi state, with this strip club ban?
While activists in Britain battle on in an attempt to regulate lapdance clubs – the number of which has been growing at an alarming rate during the last decade – Iceland has passed a law that will result in every strip club in the country being shut down. And forget hiring a topless waitress in an attempt to get around the bar: the law, which was passed with no votes against and only two abstentions, will make it illegal for any business to profit from the nudity of its employees.
Even more impressive: the Nordic state is the first country in the world to ban stripping and lapdancing for feminist, rather than religious, reasons. Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir, the politician who first proposed the ban, firmly told the national press on Wednesday: “It is not acceptable that women or people in general are a product to be sold.” When I asked her if she thinks Iceland has become the greatest feminist country in the world, she replied: “It is certainly up there. Mainly as a result of the feminist groups putting pressure on parliamentarians. These women work 24 hours a day, seven days a week with their campaigns and it eventually filters down to all of society.”
First they came for the lapdancers….
Not that I hold much fondness for strip clubs: they strike me as a shitty return on a bloke’s investment. Pick your poison as you please, my fellow Y-chromosomites, but the prospect of paying some anonymous female to wave her contemptuous cunt, her sneering snatch, in my face sounds like an acute case of self-degradation.
If anyone gets ‘exploited’ in that type of gash-for-cash transaction, it sure ain’t the owner of said orifice! At least a prozzie would drain the balls, as well as the wallet, of Mr Masochist.
All that said, Sanctimonious Sheilas–like Johanna Sigurdardottir and Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir–prove ten times as trying!
Correct me if I err here, but wasn’t the professed point of feminism to widen, not drain, the Pool of Possibility for femmes?
Johanna is a great feminist in that she challenges the men in her party and refuses to let them oppress her.
Spare me the anti-oppression doublespeak, you Dworkinite divas–looks like you “sisters” are doing it to yourselves!
Well, at least Iceland need not fret about global warming, what with its Führerin working to make it all the more frigid….
Wow, who gives a damn if someone wants to strip for money??
Totally agree with all of the above.
I’m for reviving the slogan “My body, my choice” on t-shirts featuring prostitutes, pole dancers and porn stars. Women like this so called “great feminist” are the reason I cannot call myself a feminist or expect anyone I use the term around to take me seriously.
I’ve known several women who were strippers at different points in their lives in the US. They to a woman felt empowered by the experience, because they could decide/control how far everything went, and got paid ridiculous sums for what amounted in most cases to heavy petting. (the average was 800 a night, but at least one girl i knew made 5k in one night for doing nothing more than sitting with the guy all night.)
I’ve often said if i was female and attractive enough, I definitely would have done it to get where I wanted to go. The main thing about it, you can always quit and do anything else you want to do at any time. It’s not slavery.
…been ages since this place crossed my mind, and since I did some spring cleaning on my comp and bookmarks and came across this entry, I decided to not hold my tongue…
I don’t think I understand what the problem here is? You say a woman shaking her cunt in front of a dude who paid for it is degrading to said dude? Well, all fine and dandy – I agree – any man who pays for a cunt to be shaken in front of him in a strip club, hotel room, motel room, back seat of his Pinto, or in relationship via paying for new pair of shoes, is a simp, who has to buy his way to a cunt and orgasm. So if a man is incapable of bypassing a degradation by having a cunt shaken in front of him in return for a few printed Rothschilds, wouldn’t you agree a said man should be thankful that a woman is protecting him from this degradation via law? I mean, men do need some type of laws which may prevent them from emptying their balls at their whim, regardless of the circumstances. Right?
So isn’t this feminist from Island doing you a favor? That way, if you ever go to Iceland, the law would prohibit you from making a degradative fool out of yourself?
Having said all that, I don’t think feminism as it’s been sold, is actually what some women had and have in mind. My body my choice means, at least in my mind, that I am not a property of any man or group of men, who can do with my body anything they want; you know – not being a property of men. Stripping is, I think, that fine and cute flip they put on us: we will let you think how liberating it is to do with your body as you wish, shaking naked in front of men who otherwise, for free (unless we inject rape) would not be able to see a naked woman, all the while a stripper is thinking she’s being rebellious against her father that molested her. And if we believe that stripping is something that liberates a woman (who’s most likely, by now, addicted to drugs and alco, has a pimp of her own, and is seen as a whore – which she is), then this belief gives a way, a free way, to women being forced into stripping and sell it as a liberating feminism. This fancy notion how stripping is not a form of slavery but a form of ”my body my choice” makes one think that the agenda behind it was exactly that: make women think they are doing on their own will, and make everyone think women are doing it on their own: she was jogging in the park at 9 PM ergo she must have wanted it.
There’s little difference between a woman, cooking at home and giving her husband a blow job after he comes from work, for putting a roof over her head, and stripping. None are liberating, none work for the woman. Both work for the man.
So whose idea really is this (kind) of feminism? This degradation of women in disguise called feminism, feminism as sold and understood here? A notion that a man is exploited by voluntarily entering a place, for which he must know in advance, will have to pay money to see a naked woman, as opposed to women, who, not in small numbers, are forced to strip naked (and we all know it doesn’t stop just there, as men always want more cunt and more money – the pimps)?
On a happier note: no need to fuss about it. Those men, who think would be subjected to degradation and exploitation by going to a strip club, have the choice not to go. And those whose dicks force them to go – they don’t have to worry either; there will always be women, who will be forced to strip, regardless how illegal it may be.
For those too stingy to pay a few Rothschilds to see a cunt shaking in front of them live, will always have And yes, those women enjoy it, too. I heard them, so…
Natasha–long time, no speak!
“So if a man is incapable of bypassing a degradation by having a cunt shaken in front of him in return for a few printed Rothschilds, wouldn’t you agree a said man should be thankful that a woman is protecting him from this degradation via law?”
I’m not a paternalist: let people pick their own poison to ease their way to the dirt. I just think there are better ways to wile away my days: it’s a divergence of taste.
“So isn’t this feminist from Island doing you a favor? That way, if you ever go to Iceland, the law would prohibit you from making a degradative fool out of yourself?”
I don’t need a fucking law to avoid that shit. C’mon now….
“My body my choice means, at least in my mind, that I am not a property of any man or group of men, who can do with my body anything they want; you know – not being a property of men.”
Of course, there’s the freedom to make yourself “a property of any man or group of men”. I hear some people get off on that….
“There’s little difference between a woman, cooking at home and giving her husband a blow job after he comes from work, for putting a roof over her head, and stripping. None are liberating, none work for the woman. ”
Depends on the woman: a “one true way” line of thinking gets religious real fast.
Howdy, again. Yes, long time no speak. And in this fashion, I come around again to reply to stuff from… emmm… April? Lol.
Even tho, surprisingly, at least it seems, there’s not much disagreement.
It’s all fine and dandy to get off of being someone’s property, where there’s no law for where a woman must be a property of a man. When you have, to a certain extent, a choice of NOT being a property, then you can fuck around and think you are actually free, as far as ”I can do what I want with my body” and be an actual slave to a man. Which leads me back to my point: feminism, as it is being sold as, mainstream feminism, was actually created by men to non visibly control (keep controlling) women (women thinking they, or we, are now free) while at the same time destroying a family unit. Sure, one could argue how no one can really destroy a family unit if a family does not allow it (personal responsibility and shit of that nature), but and however when you have a propaganda pounding hard enough and for long enough…
It’s all smoke and mirrors, really. There will still be striping in Iceland, just that now men will pay even more for the prohibited tits’n’ass. Men will pay more, the owner will ear more, while women…
I would agree that YOU wouldn’t need a prohibiting law in order to avoid, specifically, such places. At the same time, and correct me if I may be wrong here, YOU just might go in there in spite.
Anyway, how’s stuff over there in Britain? I noticed you’ve moved to WP. I’ll check it out sometime.
Have you found a way to parlay your excellent writing into money shaking (hey, just trying to stay on topic, hehe) adventure yet? If (still) not, it’s a shame.
*throws panties*
Take care.
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