MRDArous Aphorisms: A Compilation


  • Sometimes, concision can make a better incision.
  • If “real men don’t buy girls”, does that make the sex trade a collective hallucination?
  • “Innocence” is merely an adult’s romanticised view of childhood ignorance.
  • Intelligence is no guarantee of decreased fallibility; in fact, it might simply mean the ability to fuck things up in a more interesting way.
  • When people try to divide existence between the “natural” and the “unnatural”, that’s when you know the conversation has gone full-retard.
  • Hold love close to your chest and never let it go – asphyxiation will do the rest.
  • Always remember: You’re one trade-off out of seven billion (until the next population surge/grand catastrophe).
  • Who is this “we”, mass-man?
  • “Love sickness”: a tautology, surely?
  • Given all else she’d unleashed upon the world, wasn’t it rather passive-aggressive of Pandora to let out nothing but Hope to counteract it?
  • Feminists: überbitches cosplaying as underdogs.
  • For some topics, the most “enlightened” thing to say may be nothing at all.
  • You say “manarchist” like it’s a “bad” thing.
  • Being an authority figure means never having to say you’re sorry.
  • Nihilsm: the mind’s laxative.
  • The truth shall set you free…from either your delusions, or sanity.
  • Consciously or otherwise, woman is a Social Darwinist made flesh.
  • In an emotion-driven world, the power to capture and crush hearts is the most potent of all.
  • The tendency to agonize over loved ones is often one’s inner White Knight preying on one’s mind for his own survival.
  • “The greatest good for the greatest number”: rationale for a gang rape.
  • Sometimes, knowing it’s all a joke is the very thing that keeps it from being funny.
  • A self-hater’s manifesto: “I’ll tolerate anything except intolerance.”
  • All too often, “Grow up!” is a belligerently cowardly way of saying “Submit!”, “Surrender!”, “Give up!”.
  • Human beings: still the world’s #1 STD.
  • When folk say “honesty is the best policy”, the question that enters my mind is: “Cui bono?”
  • Basic paradox: Folk only like the “selfless” for their own selfish reasons.
  • Never let basic reading comprehension get in the way of your moral indignation.
  • Codification: Definition at the expense of clarity.
  • “Should” ruins everything.
  • Being “the same decaying, organic matter as everyone else” does not preclude being “a beautiful, unique snowflake”.


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3 Responses to MRDArous Aphorisms: A Compilation

  1. Thought I’d pick comment on a couple of these, to take my mind off the pain of arguing with Free Will retards at Samizdata.

    /If “real men don’t buy girls”, does that make the sex trade a collective hallucination?/
    This is the typical tactic of cowards, i.e. to make a virtue out of their failure. They are too henpecked and taboo-bound to fuck a woman for direct-cash exchange, so they try to present it as a sign of virility (when it really indicates the opposite, if anything).

    /”Innocence” is merely an adult’s romanticised view of childhood ignorance./
    Yep. This is about the only thing Alex Knepper was any good on.

    /Intelligence is no guarantee of decreased fallibility; in fact, it might simply mean the ability to fuck things up in a more interesting way./
    I think intelligence can contribute to decreased fallibility but it is circumstantial, i.e. “what are you using intelligence for”. If you are doing a math problem or trying to figure out where you got lost on a trail intelligence increases your chances of success quite a bit. If you are stumping for your favorite football team, however, truth ceases to be the goal and intelligence leads to increasingly convincing rationalizations.

    /When people try to divide existence between the “natural” and the “unnatural”, that’s when you know the conversation has gone full-retard./
    Yes, the National Anarchist types are about the worst at this. Also ‘family first’ people.

    /Who is this “we”, mass man?/
    A projection of the speaker’s inadequacies and feelings of entitlement, usually.

    /”Love sickness”: a tautology, surely?/
    ‘Love’ is just a haywire meme. Women running around looking for ‘true love’ would have better luck seeking Nirvana or God.

    /Given all else she’d unleashed upon the world, wasn’t it rather passive-aggressive of Pandora to let out nothing but Hope to counteract it?/
    Hope is a vice, at that. It is the fuel for utopian anti-reality campaigns.

    /Feminists: überbitches cosplaying as underdogs./
    I suspect that many women become feminists because men don’t like them.

    /For some topics, the most “enlightened” thing to say may be nothing at all./
    Knowing when to shut the fuck up is a rare skill.

    /Consciously or otherwise, woman is a Social Darwinist made flesh./
    Well, they were, but now they’re so fucked up they’re like dysgenic Bizarro versions of social Darwinism. Social Lysinkoism?

    /All too often, “Grow up!” is a belligerently cowardly way of saying “Submit!”, “Surrender!”, “Give up!”./
    Yes, and it is always offered in the spirit of anti-intellectual idiocy. The similar, and condescending, line is ‘you’ll grow out of it’. Of course, many people do ‘grow out’ of trying to have an independent identity and life.

    /When folk say “honesty is the best policy”, the question that enters my mind is: “Cui bono?”/
    This is one of those Christian-Humanist memes that seeks to universally apply situational reasoning. Sort of like the pacifists, “since fighting is sometimes disadvantageous to both parties, no one should EVER fight.”

  2. Emelyne says:

    “Folk only like the “selfless” for their own selfish reasons.

    My life in a nutshell. The truth is, though, even the selfless are selfish. They portray themselves as such for recognition, praise, or to win the affections of another, all very selfish pursuits.

  3. mupetblast says:

    “…woman is a Social Darwinist made flesh”

    I’ve been able to goad a lefty journalist woman into admitting this, but only as applied to her personal life. for politics, progressivism reigns supreme.

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