
So one (except ElJay, who asked some pretty good ‘uns) has 3 questions to ask me?


I am in decline…..

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16 Responses to Bah!

  1. cearrdorn says:

    Actually I’ve just been protesting those things in general, not yours in particular. 🙂

  2. lousy_timing says:

    Sorry- I’ve been painfully selfish.
    It’s just that I always feel like my questions are so boring. I’ll give it a go, though.
    1) If you were a corporation, what would your mission statement be?
    2) What is the most terrifying experience you’ve ever had- real, or imagined?
    3) If you were a child with a terminal illness, what wish would you want someone to grant you? (Something tangible- not world peace, etc.)

    • MRDA says:

      Sorry to keep ya waiting….
      1) If you were a corporation, what would your mission statement be?
      “Progress without passion, pleasure or principle cannot truly be called progress”
      I’d want to engender an environment that encourages, rather than dictates to, its employees…
      2) What is the most terrifying experience you’ve ever had – real, or imagined?
      When something terrible happened to a friend of mine whilst I was talking to her online; she went to get help after it happened and I was just sat there in front of my computer for an hour wondering if she was gonna live or die, knowing there was next-to-nothing I could do to help….I hope for her never to go through that experience ever again….
      3) If you were a child with a terminal illness, what wish would you want someone to grant you? (Something tangible- not world peace, etc.)
      My wants are humble – I’d want to see the whole output of Transformer episodes from America and Japan..I’m a TF obsessive like that…:p
      BTW, your new icons kick arse in so many ways….but what anime/manga did the old one come from?

  3. xxabunaixx says:

    Hello there…
    1. What would you consider a truly selfish act? Selfless? (that may be considered 2 questions…)
    2. If you were invisible for a day what would you do?
    3. How do you feel about reality t.v.-i.e. American Idol, Extreme Makeover, Survivor…?

    • kasku says:

      Re: Hmm…
      Ooh. I like these questions. MRDA, can you answer these for me, too, and count it as half a question from me and let me off the real questions because my eyes hurt? 🙂

    • MRDA says:

      Re: Hmm…
      1. What would you consider a truly selfish act? Selfless? (that may be considered 2 questions…)
      Humans are fundamentally selfish, but I don’t necessarily see this as a negative thing…
      The way I see it, selfish actions are those from which one benefits (in whatever way, whether materially, emotionally, spiritually etc..), whereas selfless actions are those that have no benefit for the individuals. For example, I consider love -true love of all kinds – to be selfish, as the loved ones have some qualities/interests/traits that resonate and appeal to me. As a result any action, within reason, taken to ensure the happiness, well-being, and/or respect of your loved ones is selfish- a win-win situation if you will. Any action which makes another happy at one’s ultimate expense is selfless; examples are sacrificing dreams, ambitions, self on the altar of parental appeasement or racial conformity or whatever-the-fuck God people invent to excuse their fucked-up actions….
      I personally hate it when selflessness is exalted as virtue – is it virtue to make ourselves miserable?
      2. If you were invisible for a day what would you do?
      I’d probably go round causing mischief for those who’ve given me grief, cos I’m unforgiving like that! A slap in the face there, a jibe there…anything to make ’em shit their pants a little! Nothing too bad tho – I’d be a bastard, but not a fucking bastard, eheh!
      EVEN BETTER, I’d use invisibility as my opportunity to escape from Britain, like I long to do one day…..
      3. How do you feel about reality t.v.-i.e. American Idol, Extreme Makeover, Survivor…?
      I generally have nae time for it. It’s bad enough when celebrities get reams and reams of hard copy/ TV time dedicated to them outside of their chosen profession; it’s even worse when ordinary people get similar coverage for doing next to nada out of the mundane. It’s like “Wow! John Doe picks his nose/farts on national TV” and it’s splashed across the front pages the next day. Mind you, stuff like the Idol shows can be amusing, but in short doses generally….
      I despise the concept behind shows like Joe Millionaire and Temptation Island – money may not be a prerequisite for love but honesty and loyalty certainly should be!
      Whew! That’s rather a lot to take in….hope I satisfied your curiosity tho…:)

      • xxabunaixx says:

        Re: Hmm…
        you satisfied my curiosity with some very good answers…
        I personally hate it when selflessness is exalted as virtue – is it virtue to make ourselves miserable?
        You just don’t know how much I agree with you on this point. Really with your whole answer. But this especially b/c it amazes me how many times people list their ‘selflessness’ as a wonderful attribute to their personality. Or just like you said it becomes a virtue…and no it is not virtue to make ourselves miserable…And neither should we idolize our selflessness because to me that downgrades it and it gives me the ‘wrong’ impression making me think the so called selfless act was only done to be glorified…
        Don’t even get me started on anything that involves true love…
        Loved the answer to the second question….had me rofl…
        And the third answer..I totally agree with you.

        • MRDA says:

          Re: Hmm…
          Glad to see you share my viewpoint on things…:)
          I just like to add to the first answer that that a person who acts on whim, instead of thought and true feeling, at the unnecessary expense of others (ie: from people who cheat on their partners, to rapists) aren’t selfish – just fucking inconsiderate bastards…..Being selfish requires a considerable degree of self-respect, something such people fundamentally lack; if someone has nae self-respect, they will almost certainly, as the norm, have disrespect for the rights and feelings of others….

  4. creactivity says:

    1) What quality in a person is irresistable to you?
    2) Who do you admire?
    3) Where will you be in 5 years?

    • MRDA says:

      I hate to keep a lady waiting (any longer), so….
      1) What quality in a person is irresistible to you?
      Depth. Or at least the willingness and ability to have a meaningful conversation about the big issues of life, love, the universe and everything…:)
      2) Who do you admire?
      Bruce Lee, as he used his knowledge and ability to advance himself, whilst benefiting others. He despised the insularity and racism of some of his Chinese contemporaries, and had no qualms about teaching the martial arts to Westerners/non-Chinese…also, he was just an all-round badass! The good always die young, or so the cliche goes…
      3) Where will you be in 5 years?
      Can’t say that for sure, but wherever I’ll be I hope I’m a)away from the UK (or at least Newham, London) and b)financially independent. I also hope to have made some leeway in my creative pursuits and found someone who has the same idea of love that I do….:)

  5. lousy_timing says:

    I meant to tell you where the anime-style one came from EONS ago. The character’s name is Nami, and she’s one of the three “available” females in the newest Harvest Moon game, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.
    Nami is: The toughest character to win over. She’s aloof, and a wanderer. She’s borderline rude, but really just having fun with you. I like her the best, as Celia is too complacent and Muffy is too FLUFFY.
    Besides, Nami looks like me when I enhance the red in my hair. 😉
    Thank you for the icon compliments!

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