Obliterating Oblomov: MRDA@CurrentYear.com


A month into 2016 C.Y, and I finally see fit to relight the fire of this long-unkindled Inferno. I’d planned to knock something together a little earlier to mark the transition into the new 365-day calendar cluster, but a combo of preoccupation and inertia put paid to that plan. During my period of near-Oblomovian despair and disrepair (punctuated by a stint or several at the gym, thank fuck!), quite a lot took place. The resident grinches of Dar al-Islam saw fit to ban Christmas in both Brunei and Somalia; New Year’s Eve saw celebrations get very much out of hand—or, rather, in hand—in cities across Germany, with the bulk of media coverage (which started days after the fact) focused on the fondlecaust in Cologne; Obama turned out an Oscar-hungry performance, squeezing forth  a press-conference tear for child victims of gun crime (whilst remaining dry-eyed over drone-bombing kids half a world away); rock icon David Bowie—along with a who’s who of other prominent celebs—succumbed to the big C, eliciting a cavalcade of commentary, both interesting and insipid; the Zika virus made its presence sorely felt in Latin America, resulting in the striking spectacle of heads of state telling their subject populations not to breed; a career of rape, genocide, and terrorism with desert pirates Daesh became significantly less lucrative due to pay cuts; and I had a good laugh at their enablers in Dar al-Saud telling UK critics to “respect” the death penalty in their god-pozzed shithole of a nation….weeks after calling presidentially-aspiring billionaire blowhard Donald Trump “a disgrace to America” for his Islam-averse immigration proposal: “Stop kill-shaming us, Britlords!”

Oh yeah…let’s not forget the current campaign to castrate Jonathan Swift (and his fanboys) for his “modest proposal”.

In short, how can I stay inert when there’s a whole wide world out there to hate?

Whilst I’m pretty pleased with last year’s output, various distractions kept me from writing as frequently as I wanted, resulting in me falling short of the goals I set myself last January; as such, I see the current year as more of a continuation than a fresh start, moving more in the direction decided in the previous solar orbit. Expect me to tear into both the political class and public as the need and mood arises, with the jeremiads, invectives, and philippics you, my readers (all five of you), know and love (or hate: masochism can be a helluva drug). As ever, I’ll happily challenge, critique, and even clawhammer the wonky ways ‘n’ whys of god, man, and beast…including the worldviews of those (un)near and dear to me.

Alongside all that, I’ll toss in some reviews and overviews of things I like, whether they be books, movies, series, or that really tasty kebab I had from the local (and not-so-local) eatery; and as for dusting off my more creative chops—watch this space!

My overarching credo for 2016: to set Obmolov’s bed aflame—and properly this time!


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3 Responses to Obliterating Oblomov: MRDA@CurrentYear.com

  1. caprizchka says:

    FYI. The link from ‘his “modest proposal”’ to http://www.donotlink.com/dqij doesn’t work in my browser. It’s supposed to redirect to http://www.rooshv.com/how-to-stop-rape (a brilliant thought experiment which demonstrates that Feminist believe the government is the morality police).

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