From Automaton to Autonomous? MRDA Seeks A New Road….

So I started my little foray into finding a means to generate sources of automated income – or at least typed “self-generating income” and “automated income” into my search engine!

I think this avenue could prove *ahem* profitable or me if it yields success. Apart from the reason cited in my previous post (escaping the machinations of the treadmill), it gets me back much more time and energy to employ (ahem!) for other endeavours, such as socialising, accommodation-hunting, and my creative work. In regard to the latter, I reckon using such an income source eliminates or greatly reduces the factor of creating art for mercenary ends (which paradoxically could turn out more higher quality, sellable work) if successful. With regained time and assured income, one can keep monetary concerns faaaaaaaar in the background.

So yes, automated income – a potentially useful tool I plan to exploit for many an end of mine.

But for now, I hear the Babbitt bully-boys beckoning – guh!


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4 Responses to From Automaton to Autonomous? MRDA Seeks A New Road….

  1. staxxy says:

    woot! Good luck sugar!!!

  2. rinku says:

    I’ve you’re serious about it check out, he’s written about how to do this.
    Also, this may just be a person pet peeve, but why do you use so many tags for an entry? The purpose of tags as I use them is to categorize entries so that you can easily find them again, if you use almost every tag for every entry it kind of defeats that purpose.

    • MRDA says:

      Thanks for the address, Rinku! I had actually checked out his 10 Reasons Not to Get A Job prior to this week’s BS and the recent events exacerbated my dissatisfaction with my current employment and my desire to look into other avenues…..
      The tags? I simply pick all the topics that apply and interlink with the post; the way I see it is that I can never lose an entry doing that.

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