The most common false conclusions of men are these:…if an opinion makes us glad, it must be true; if its effect is good, it in itself must be good and true… contrary deductions, which are in general naturally just as false:…if an opinion troubles and disturbs, it must be true.
–Friedrich Nietzsche
So it turns out that another bomb went off near the centre of London last fortnight, tearing through the London School of Economics and sending shockwaves surging across the world’s media outlets. Expectedly, much outrage, umbrage, and gnashing of teeth ensued.
The culprit: not a Muslim terrorist, this time, but a Japanese evolutionary psychologist.
The explosive: not Semtex or organic peroxide, but rather a website blog article.
Yup, Satoshi Kanazawa, already a contentious name in evo-psych circles, set off a firestorm with his studies and scribblings on the subject of racial aesthetics.
There are marked race differences in physical attractiveness among women, but not among men. Why?
Recall that women on average are more physically attractive than men. So women of all races are on average more physically attractive than the”average” Add Health respondent, except for black women.
As the following graph shows, black women are statistically no different from the”average” Add Health respondent, and far less attractive than white, Asian,and Native American women.
The race differences in the level of testosterone can therefore potentially explain why black women are less physically attractive than women of other races, while (net of intelligence) black men are more physically attractive than men of other races.
Now, I must say, I’ve nothing against honest, scientific inquiry on the subject of race. The premise behind biological, statistical racial differences—different peoples evolving, over thousands of years, in differing environments, under different pressures—strikes me as a plausible-enough springboard. Admittedly, I’m wary (to say the least!) of the folk who would latch onto such research to advance their own fucked-up agendas; but dodgy associations, per se, no longer strike me as good grounds to dismiss discomforting data.
All that said, Kanazawa comes across as a sloppy fucker, at best. The backlash he garnered over the past fortnight (leading to the removal of his article from its original host, Psychology Today) strikes me as him reaping what he sowed: not because he dared to raise race, but rather for his buffoonery regarding beauty…
Add Health measures the physical attractiveness of its respondents both objectively and subjectively. At the end of each interview, the interviewer rates the physical attractiveness of the respondent objectively on the following five-point scale: 1= very unattractive, 2 = unattractive, 3 = about average, 4 =attractive, 5 = very attractive. The physical attractiveness of each Add Health respondent is measured three times by three different interviewers over seven years.
From these three scores, I can compute the latent “physical attractiveness factor” by a statistical procedure called factor analysis. Factor analysis has the added advantage of eliminating all random measurement errors that are inherent in any scientific measurement. The latent physical attractiveness factor has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
It is very interesting to note that, even though black women are objectively less physically attractive than other women, black women (and men) subjectively consider themselves to be far more physically attractive than others.
Now, I don’t deny that certain faces ‘n’ figures elicit more—sometimes many more—raised cocks and/or moistened cunts than others; neither will I contest that some folks inspire forlorn gazes and filthy fantasies wherever on the globe they go.
However such popularity, even on a universal scale, differs considerably from the chimerical “objectivity” Kanazawa pulls out of his arse.
Does the overwhelming popularity of chart-oriented pop across age groups and nations render it “objectively” superior to heavy metal? The blues? Opera? Classical?
As far as the printed page goes, do the superior sales of Heat magazine, tabloids, Twilight novels, and Dan Brown books make them more “objectively” pleasurable and worthwhile reads than the works of Stirner, Nietzsche, the Marquis De Sade, and Robert Anton Wilson?
I expect a connoisseur of said popular tastes would take issue with my choices, substituting “critical acclaim” and “influence” for “popularity” and “sales” in their counterarguments.
As the old adage goes: there’s no accounting for taste.
However, from reading his article, I see Kanazawa repeating the same error/deception with aesthetics that religious and secular moralists love to indulge in the ethical realm: asserting taste as Truth.
Granted, one can talk of quantifiable, objective traits and how they play into overall appearance…
Africans on average have higher levels of testosterone than other races, and testosterone, being an androgen (male hormone), affects the physical attractiveness of men and women differently. Men with higher levels of testosterone have more masculine features and are therefore more physically attractive. In contrast, women with higher levels of testosterone also have more masculine features and are therefore less physically attractive.
…yet, ultimately, what does Kanazawa say here, other than he (and his Add Health crew) doesn’t get a hard-on for birds with noticeably androgenetic traits? Speaking for myself, whilst female facial fuzz rates as an abject turn-off, I lack the same aversion to, say, angular jawlines; in fact, to my eye, they can be rather fetching;
…and, speaking of my tastes more broadly, all the airbrushed Megan Foxes of the world fail to match the ample charms of a Yuna Kawase…
…or a Maryou Chouzuki…
As I said elsewhere, one man’s ‘tubby’ can give another man a chubby!
Returning to the subject of race, it seems that Kanazawa and co.’s preferences align with those of Western mass society: as far as sex symbols go, females of my race tend to be at a deficit. When women with sub-Saharan lineage do make such an intersubjective impression, they tend to be biracial (Leona Lewis, Angela Griffin, Halle Berry,etc).
Whilst I ain’t got a problem with that, I’d personally appreciate seeing more in the way of darkness on display…
Maybe then, some melanin-heavy women might actually put down the skin bleach and take pleasure in their pigmentation.
But, hey—that’s my taste!
Perhaps if Kanazawa and his crew didn’t confuse theirs for objective research, this whole sorry shitstorm could’ve been avoided…
[Entry completed and posted 31/5/2011]
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Very interesting and strange that there seems to be an “ideal” of skinny white women who don’t look fit to bang. Who came up with that ideal, anyway? I’m thinking..not horny men. Of any race. It’s a damn shame there aren’t more black beauties in the media so I would see more of their unmatchable asses.
O yeah..this “professor” is a total goofball who def loves to stir up commotion.
Friedrich Nietzsche ended up in a lunatic asylum, the guy was a smart geek. so far up his own ass he couldnt deal with the real world. if you are quoting a mad man, you must be either A stupid or B think the views of a lunatic are valid, aka your also a geek living in a geeky masturbating porn is real universe.
Do you despise intelligence or something?
Your sloppy and slavish excuse for logic suggests you do.
Go jerk off to Lady Gaga and leave the smart people in peace.
Recall that women on average are more physically attractive than men. So women of all races are on average more physically attractive than the”average” Add Health respondent, except for black women.
Pretty funny judgment seeing as most people are only attracted to one gender or the other.
Perhaps AC/DC is his favourite band.
I’m not so sure he’s off base in using “objectively” as he did. You could say that “objectively” women of a fairer complexion and slender build with that certain waist/hip ratio elicit more “yays” than “nays” overall, making the affirmative count for that group objectively higher. Maybe that’s what he meant?
He could’ve meant that, but, if so, why didn’t he use “statistically”, instead? The exact workings of his “research” aren’t really clarified, and, in any case, there’s something fundamentally dishonest about using the o-word without qualification.
>”Africans on average have higher levels of testosterone than other races..”
The best scientific evidence available to date indicates that this is NOT the case. Africans and people of African descent seem to have the same testosterone levels as other races.
For the love of reason, don’t even imply that ‘seperate evolution’ makes any goddam sense. Guns germs and steel, read it.
And EvoPsych is a crock of shit that only serves to perpetuate and legitimate cultural ideas in favor for the cultural bourgeois.
Actually, GGS doesn’t disprove seperate evolution at all. The fact that Native Americans and Africans DID NOT DEVELOP EARLY AGRICULTURAL CIVILIZATION is WHY they were not selectively bred for intelligence and social conflict avoidance.
Diamond is another liberal cunt who’s too addicted to the cock of equality to recognize the evidence right in front of him. Him and Gould can ass fuck one another in Hell.
I think where the ‘attractiveness’ and ‘objectivity’ come closest to meeting is in facial structure and skin tone; though of course this is a statistical or species treatment and not an attempt to quantify subjective values.
Generally speaking Asians -> NW Euros -> Aryans/E. Euros/Turks -> Mezitos -> Indians -> Black, simply because a preference for a lighter tone and smooth, clear skin is almost universal in taste for women. The other famous features of the Asian woman (slightness, a suggestion of adolescence) or white women (huge fucking titties) are subject to more variation either from genetic or cultural emphasis and random fetishes.
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How ignorant!?!? It’s 2013 and people are very ignorant towards cultures. In some culture one group could be considered attractive far as: peircing, jewlery, marking on body, work ethnic, streight and so on. Where in another culture it’s : clothes,status, cleanliness, wealth, facial features, hair, etc… How do you judge attractiveness around the world? How fucking ignorant is he? And he is supose to be an intellectual in the subject more like dumb ass who is very ignorant in the cultures category. Who are you to tell what beauty is? Who is anyone because their is always somebody else who disagree or will agree beauty comes to whoever see it’s as it exist to them. I think “Black women”,are extremely unique they pull off kinky hair, tone dark bodies, and round faces very well.