On the Deus that is Democracy…..

In our own time, we treat political heretics harshly and cruelly, but because we have learned to believe in the necessity of the state we are not as sensitive to this cruelty as we are to that cruelty whose justification we reject.
– Friedrich Nietzsche

Chanting their democracy….as though [it] were a religion, they’re cheerfully justifying their journey toward self-destruction.

-Heihachi Mishima, Tekken

Apparently people understand the concept of democracy but not the concept of freedom.



So, if certain sources stand up to credibility, the War in Iraq is “not about the oil, stupid!”

They may claim that higher motives power the military manoeuvres, chief amongst them being the “moral obligation” to liberate Iraq by removing dictatorship and “installing democracy” in the region.

Leaving aside the question of whether or not such is the true driving force behind things, I still have to ask: “Democracy is a better motive than oil, HOW!?!”

Oh how Western culture lauds the Deus of Democracy! All bow down and venerate the inherent rationality of the rabble! Nietzsche erred when he asserted that “God is dead – and we have killed him”; in truth, the bugger lies dormant, reincarnating himself every so often at the new churches otherwise known as polling stations.

“Vox populi, vox dei” as the ancients would say….

“Aww, look at the widdle Iwaqis wiv their votie-woties,” coo the media pundits with clasped hands, so convinced that the ballot box ruptures all regimes….

….of course the more perceptive surveyor of events remains ever-aware that “democracy is the freedom to elect one’s own dictators”.

When this post-Christian Gospel isn’t being evangelized overseas, it bombards us from every angle on our own doorstep. Come election time you’ll get leaflets through your letterbox, party political broadcasts by the various social control candidates and street-level evangelism from your local social control representatives. Everyone gets caught up in their fervour, trading words with their wife, dog and neighbour as to which Party is the One True Party.

All, or at least the Great Majority, agree on one thing though – vote or die, motherfucker!

This year and the last gave this fanaticism a chance to fly with wide open wings. The 2004 Elections in the States saw the populace presented with two far-from-ideal main candidates, all the while implored by various minimal-merit entertainers to indeed, Vote or Die (TM); never mind that none of the candidates may meet your requirements – just use your vote, nigga! Never mind that the fucking icons for the VOD campaign probably fall below Captain Caveman in political acumen – you gotta give props to your government, yo! And of course it mattered little that most the targeted audience – MTV brats – lacked the information and inclination to make an informed choice – just get as many bods as possible into the polling station, beeyatch!

Televangelists for the MTV, lizard-brain generation – represent!

Here in the UK, I and everyone else owning a TV endured an insipid advert telling us : “If you don’t do politics there’s not much you do do”. Looking back on it, that campaign had the distinct whiff of the religious fundamentalist about it; if someone put out an advert saying “if you don’t believe in religious morality, you believe in nothing” they’d be quite rightly shot down, yet how everyone baahs and moos in agreement when the sphere shifts to politics. These days, I end up shaking my head at those who would shoot down religious dogmatism with one breath, only to chant “Demokratis or Death!” or “If you don’t vote you’ve no right to complain!” with their next.

Of course, I could have it a lot worse – better Britain than Australia in such politically rapturous climate. Democracy flourishes in fullness Down Under, what with the populace being compelled to vote by law; imagine a theocracy where you must choose between Christianity and Islam at gunpoint, and you’re not far off point…..

Still, in the havens for democracy which have yet to follow through to that (il)logical conclusion, there exists a vote-for-voting’s sake mentality which esteems the uninformed voter above the concerned, informed, yet disgusted abstinent. It strikes me as an ignorant and disdainful attitude, awakening memories of my JW Dad telling me many moons ago how the unethical believer trumps the ethical non-believer in terms of Divine favour. As an example, I cite the gamut of viewpoints, expressed on various message boards prior to this year’s UK General Election, branding that all those who abstain from the voting process as apathetics – the incarnate Devils of the political universe. Beyond being a sweeping and inaccurate generalization, such a view lets the irresponsible voter completely off the hook.

Yes, Voter X is as thick as pigshit and only votes because his mum or his mates voted for the same party – still, the poor dear votes and is thus a Good Christi….sorry, Citizen! Surely the spirit of Democracy lives in him, no? That’s all that counts!

Ah, yes the sweet spirit of Democracy – the State-given right of the masses to elect their own despots must be fought for, safeguarded and exercised at all costs! Many say voting gives you a chance to decide your future: I say voting gives your chosen someone a chance to decide your future for you! A vote for this candidate or that proves itself a vote for a package-deal rather than an ideal. I cite my own experience as an example this time; I voted for the Veritas party in this year’s General Election, because I agreed with many of their (libertarian-leaning) domestic policies; however, looking back on it, I thought that many of their (more conservative) policies concerning immigration and certain foreign nationals fucking stunk, so I’m kinda glad Kilroy and Co. failed in their bid for prominence and power….

From a MRDA perspective, Veritas seemed the best of a shitty bunch at the time; nowttheless, there still exists the niggling thought that I voted for a party who, for all their good points, espoused policies I abhor!

Thus that experience and an overview of the political climate leads me to question getting involved in this jousting of jackals called Democracy – after all, what business has an atheist praying before a pulpit? In the absence of a “None of the Above” or a “You All Suck Dick!” option on ballot papers, abstention seems like the sensible option for those who have no time for Political Pundits who cry: “Please, pretty please let me run your life for you – I’ll be your best friend!”

Alas, withdrawal in disgust is viewed in the same light as apathy by the lazy of mind, as they look down smugly and “virtuously” on the unbelievers from their Party Pulpits….

….for Today’s political abstinent finds himself cast in the same devilish light as Yesterday’s atheist….


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10 Responses to On the Deus that is Democracy…..

  1. jsangspar says:

    I didn’t know voting was mandatory in Australia. It is in Brazil, too.
    “Alas, withdrawal in disgust is viewed in the same light as apathy by the lazy of mind, as they look down smugly and “virtuously” on the unbelievers from their Party Pulpits….”
    I get this reaction all the time and I hate it. We should start a high-school targeting campaign: VOTE-FREE IS THE WAY TO BE!

    • MRDA says:

      Haha! Quite so – it’d make the more intelligent students aware of just what where their future vote could lead them and keep the dumbfuck tenybopper kids far away from the polling stations….
      …though to sway the latter, we’d need the services of some famous rapper or bubblegum pop-tart! Any ideas?

  2. majinchu says:

    Hehe, I’d totally vote if there was a None of the Above option.

  3. jdcooper says:

    i disagree that politics and religion are as analogous as you are implying, and i think that voting is important. as a matter of fact, i would make it compulsory if it were up to me (on condition that there was an “abstain” option)

    • MRDA says:

      The moment you insist on compulsory voting you undermine the foundations of the free society you wish to create/preserve. Essentially you sanction gunpoint decisions.
      It’s useless to champion concepts such as freedom to choose a religion (or none) if you disregard similar freedoms in the political realm. What about those who remain unsure of their political position? How would they be catered for under your system?
      In any case, a unanimous abstention whether via entering or avoiding the polling station would make for an exquisite scenario – imagining all the useless, corrupt chairwarmers wriggling in their seats at the prospect of such a thing……

      • jdcooper says:

        if you are unsure of your political position you can just abstain surely? its a powerful statement, as you say, and would separate switched on people with opinions such as urself from the ignorant masses who prefer double vodka red bull to such a novel concept as “thought”. and i have recently decided that, despite my unerring affection for freedom, this doesnt extend to religious freedom, i now think religious tolerance is decidedly over-rated. if you met someone who was completely certain, despite having no evidence, that “all dogs are made of metal”, his “freedom to think such a thing” would come second fiddle to everyone’s scorn for him thinking such an absurd and ignorant thing was fact. people wouldnt “respect his different beliefs”, they would try to set him straight, to stop him from embarrassing himself next time. similarly, i see no distinction between religious belief and the belief that all dogs are metal. why shouldnt we correct them when they show such profound ignorance? of course, when i say religious tolerance is over-rated, that doesnt apply to the government, since nothing is really any of their business, but i do think religious people (of all “faiths”) should be derided publicly, and not held up as poster children for the diversity lie.

        • MRDA says:

          Breakdown Time….
          “i have recently decided that, despite my unerring affection for freedom, this doesn’t extend to religious freedom, i now think religious tolerance is decidedly over-rated.”
          People should be free to worship whatever hallucinations they desire….
          ….just as people should be free to shoot down the mistaken premises of these spook-worshippers.
          Tolerance doesn’t equate with acceptance/respect/agreement – though these often end up confused.
          I’m tired of dumbfuck Christians and dumbfuck Sikhs trying to obstruct stage shows and TV broadcasts based on a) their mistaken philosophical premises and b)their sloppy definitions of tolerance.
          And I shake my head when a dumbfuck figurehead talks of being compelled by the unowned voices in his head (aka his God) to wage a very real, physical and bloody war which – for its merits – left long-standing repercussions. Such people have no business taking or being given political power.
          Beyond that, people with silly, fucked-up beliefs can be avoided – they suffer for their follies at the hands of reality eventually…
          Religions should be decried, whilst taking into account the varying natures and degrees of belief amongst individual adherents to said creeds.
          And yes, religious diversity whilst a likely consequence of a free society is nothing to masturbate over. Same with political diversity – I’d love to see “tolerant” Liberal media moguls promoting the “misunderstood” slave ethics of Neo-Nazis and Fascists alongside the “peace-loving faiths” of Islam and Christianity…..

  4. obscurenity says:

    You should check out the states, it’ll make you hate the human race in every aspect possible. Perhaps you and I could destroy this entire part of the nation – nobody fucking likes the red states anyways.

  5. kingdopomo says:

    “Democracy is a better motive than oil, HOW!?!”
    It is obscene how the pedestrians and norm’s take popular values for granted.

  6. Pingback: Hypocrisy & Halal III: Dignité, Égalité, Identité—VANITÉ! « MRDA's Inferno

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