Tag Archives: self-advancement

The Great Becoming (Redux)

I’ve placed too much of myself right here, along the cable Too much remains erratic or, better yet, unstable You moved me like a puppet yet I gave you the strings the ones you used to pull me bound on … Continue reading

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The Reasons Why by Victor S. Yarros

First printed in Liberty, Vol. 5, No. 2, Saturday, August 27, 1887, Whole Number 106. I am an Egoist. I recognize no authority save that of my own reason. I regulate my life and my relations with the outside world … Continue reading

Posted in Amoralism, Anarchism, Egoism, Texts of Interest | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

MRDA’s Definition of Success

My Success External Goals 36 Popular Fame 46 World well-being 25 Political Influence 12 Internal Goals 62 Partner and Family 65 Friends 30 Financial Success 50 Creation / Fulfillment 100 You do not require much external approval and do not … Continue reading

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State of the Egoist Update: The Work Situation

It really does amaze me how changing job roles at work makes all the difference to one’s outlook on the place. Basically, working on the sales floor, seems a helluva lot more fun and productive than warehouse work. Despite my … Continue reading

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Power can mean one of two things, domination or potency. Far from being identical, these two qualities are mutually exclusive. Impotence,using the term not only with regard to the sexual sphere but to allspheres of human potentialities, results in the … Continue reading

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Chris Hyatt: The Interview!

A rather expansive little interview with the late Christopher Hyatt, author of Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation, To Lie Is Human and The Psychopath’s Bible; all of which, at the very least, come off as jaggedly interesting reading, if you’re … Continue reading

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Protected: Enervating Elders!! Can MRDA Escape the Parent Trap?

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More Thoughts on My Future

Venting one’s spleen at work with a trusted co-worker helps make my air cleaner to breathe and remove much in the way of fog. By June 2008, I will have terminated my employment at Currys Beckton. No turning back – … Continue reading

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Protected: First Step to Freedom? MRDA Initiates the Escape Plan!!

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